There are numerous factors that make Woodlawn Middle School one of East Baton Rouge Parish’s premier middle schools. We have a wide range of academic programs including Gifted, Magnet, Scholastic Academy, Great Scholars, and a Talented Program. Our gifted classes provide a high degree of complexity and extend beyond the prescribed curriculum offered in traditional classes. The Magnet Program offers an accelerated and rigorous curriculum which will prepare students for college and career related paths. Students will take specialized courses such as forensics and advanced robotics. The Great Scholars Program offers instruction at an accelerated pace according to students’ academic needs. In addition, our traditional classes give students the necessary skills to reach their full academic potential. Furthermore, our special education classes are designed to provide individualized instruction. All students have access to challenging and rigorous curriculum, with educational support.
We offer the required core curriculum subjects at each grade level as well as a rich variety of electives. Elective classes include art, choir, band, strings, robotics, radio and TV broadcasting, drama, and technology application.

The 5 Core Values of WMS
I will treat everyone with dignity. I will recognize other people’s worth and value. I will treat others the way I want to be treated.
I will be accountable for my own actions and choices (and their consequences) without blaming others.
The strength to do what’s right, rather than what’s popular or comfortable.
What are you willing to give up to go up?
To persevere means to complete a task even when it becomes boring, difficult, or discouraging.
Woodlawn Middle School, in partnership with parents and stakeholders, will work collaboratively to educate all students to achieve academically to their maximal potential in a safe and caring environment. We will foster a challenging environment in which students develop intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically and creatively.
At Woodlawn Middle School we are dedicated to preparing students to become life-long learners and productive citizens through a rigorous curriculum and a commitment to excellence.
The Woodlawn Middle School Pledge
I believe in myself and my abilities.
I am personally responsible for my education and academic success.
I will uphold the five core values of Woodlawn Middle School, which are respect, responsibility, courage, sacrifice, and perseverance.
I will treat people with dignity and be accountable for my actions.
I will have the courage to do what is right and persevere through all tasks.
I will be a good influence on others.
I believe in my ability to change the world for the better.